Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm effing crazy and coming off my crazy pills is hard. It's been easier this time than it was last time though, probably because I now know to taper off as much as possible before actually quitting(live and learn). It been two weeks now and I gotta say, I feel a lot better. I'm still really bitchy, crank all day, no patience...my poor husband :( Ryan's been so good about it though, he's kept his calm the whole time. He's been planning hikes every couple of days and getting everything packed. He knows I love being outdoors and he knows I need to excercise when I'm sick, more than I actually want to excercise. So he does all of this, as well as going to work every day, he's awesome! I've had one thing going for me lately, I started a temperature blanket this year(I know, crochet basic bitch lol). It has helped a lot because on the day...
Crochet and humour are my two little helpers on my battle through mental illness. I often can't leave my house, I'm alone in here while the world goes on around me, but with enough laughter, the love from my family and some busywork, I will continue to fight through it and I will always be okay.