About a year and a half ago, my daughter Maddy(8 yo at the time) got a rainbow loom as a gift. She thought it was the best toy ever, not only because it was bright and fun, but also because I became instantly addicted to it, which meant that mommy would actually ignore the housework for a while and sit down and play with her for as long as she wanted. As a left handed(and not ver coordinated) person, I always found crafts harder to learn than my right handed counterparts, so I generally didn't bother. For some reason the rainbow loom just made sense to me and i spent hours with Maddy making bracelets.
Maddy with her favorite bracelets
I have a lot of mental health issues, and have had for as long as I can remember(this ties in I promise) I have what's called pure O, which is a type of OCD and social anxiety. I am properly medicated but the meds only help about 50% so I occasionally would turn to drinking to self medicate. However the rainbow loom quickly overtook this as my go to when I was unable to turn my brain off.
Anyways me and Maddy soon advanced to making all kinds of other things, rings, necklaces, toys etc... And then I came across a pattern to make an adorable teddy bear on the loom.
This isn't my video(hope I don't get in trouble)
Well my bear didn't come out looking quite so perfect but not only was he adorable but I also realized half way through that I was essentially crocheting. HOLY SHIT! I'M CROCHETING, I GOTTA CALL MY MOM! Well Maddy loved her new bear and I developed a new obsession.
My ugly bear
My wonderful husband ran down to the dollar store right away and got me some cheap yarn and an H hook(not that I knew what that meant at the time) and I got busy finding YouTube videos on how to crochet left handed. By the end of the day I had a hat and a dishcloth, by the end of the week I had scarf and a baby blanket and the rest is history. It's amazing, you really can learn how to do anything on YouTube, even if you're an uncoordinated southpaw.
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