Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm effing crazy and coming off my crazy pills is hard. It's been easier this time than it was last time though, probably because I now know to taper off as much as possible before actually quitting(live and learn). It been two weeks now and I gotta say, I feel a lot better. I'm still really bitchy, crank all day, no patience...my poor husband :( Ryan's been so good about it though, he's kept his calm the whole time. He's been planning hikes every couple of days and getting everything packed. He knows I love being outdoors and he knows I need to excercise when I'm sick, more than I actually want to excercise. So he does all of this, as well as going to work every day, he's awesome! I've had one thing going for me lately, I started a temperature blanket this year(I know, crochet basic bitch lol). It has helped a lot because on the day...
DAY 4. Late last night and this morning I had really bad depression, I haven't had bad depression in years, it was horrible. Luckily by the time my coffee was done this morning, it was gone. I realised at one point last night, about midnight, that I had been staring at a blank wall for over an hour just thinking irrationally about every bad thing that's ever happened to me, it was bad. But like I said, I feel better today. It was a beautiful, sunny day today. Today is April 28th and we're finally starting to get some decent weather without rain about half the time. I live in B.C. so it's basically the same weather as the pacific northwest, so lots of rain and wet air most of the year. Since it was such a nice day, I went for a long walk, and listened to silly pop music because Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber might be lame, b...